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Date(s) - 20/11/2022
18:00 - 20:00

TLT Theatre, Drogheda


Победители “Евровидения 2022” Kalush Orchestra в TLT Theatre Дрохеда!

Йо! Ми до вас з грандіозною новиною! До нас приїзджають самі Kalush Orchestra! І навіть можна буде достати білетик на них, ми вам там нижче розкажемо як то зробити.
Ну і всіх запрошуємо подивитись на легендарних переможців цьогорочного Євробачення!
Воу воу воу! Заспокоїлися, і розкладемо по поличках:
Коли? 20.11.2022
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Eventbrite: ( info soon )
Для всіх хто в танку маємо коротке біо Kalush Orchestra (але на нашу думку вже слід знати історію цієї групи :
Олег Псюк — український репер, засновник та фронтмен Kalush Orchestra. Його музична кар’єра почалася з чистої пристрасті, натхненної Емінемом.
«Суть у тому, що ми беремо забутий старий український фольклор. Ми витягуємо його з багатьох поколінь і додаємо модерновані, сучасні елементи, реп та інструменти. Зрештою, ми маємо поєднання того, що було у наших предків і того, що подобається молоді сьогодні. І це наші пісні», – каже Олег.
Одразу після перемоги на Євробаченні-2022 Kalush Orchestra вирушили у концертний тур Європою. Усі кошти, зібрані групою на благодійних акціях, йдуть на допомогу Україні.
KALUSH ORCHESTRA in Ireland 20/11/ 2022
Kalush Orchestra, the international sensation and Ukrainian Eurovision 2022 winner with the hit song “Stefania”, announced its first concert in Ireland in support of Ukraine!�
Kalush Orchestra was created in 2021 as a band of six musicians, and as a spin-off of the first project KALUSH, founded in 2019. The name Kalush stems from group leader Oleh’s Psiuk hometown in the Western part of Ukraine.
Kalush Orchestra is one of the young representatives of a vibrant Ukrainian-language hip-hop scene that has been trending in the past few years with dozens of top stars appearing in modern urban culture.
The key point of difference of Kalush Orchestra from other bands in Ukraine is the combination of ethnic music elements with modern sound production, hip-hop dances and Ukrainian-language rap.
“The essence is that we take the old Ukrainian folklore that has been forgotten. We dig it out from many generations and add modern, contemporary elements, rap, and instruments. In the end we have a combination of what our ancestors had and what the young people like today. And those are our songs,” says Oleh.
Now Kalush Orchestra is a band of six, with multi-instrumentalists Tymofii Muzychuk, Vitalii Duzhyk, Andriy Gandziuk, known as MC Dzhonni Dyvnyy, mysterious KylymMen (lead dancer under the nickname that translates as ‘Carpet-Man’), and Sasha Tab (vocalist of the band, also known as a member of the band “Salto Nazad”).
All Kalush Orchestra band members have prior experience in Ukraine TV shows, such as The Voice, Ukraine’s Got Talent, and others. They are also members and collaborators with other bands from Ukraine’s developing hip-hop scene.
“From our observations there were not many hip-hop songs in Eurovision, and certainly no rap groups as winners, so we are happy to bring this new angle to the Contest,” says Oleh.
Ukraine’s Kalush Orchestra have won the Eurovision Song Contest 2022, with their entry song Stefania. It happened on May 14 in Turin, Italy, a hip-hop band won a song contest with an additional 150 points.
After that, the band raised $900,000 by auctioning off the glass microphone and a further $370,000 by raffling off the pink bucket hat frontman Oleh Psiuk wore during the performance.
In June Kalush Orchestra performed their first UK gig at Glastonbury Festival.

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