До бюджету внесено зміни до системи оподаткування жителів Ірландії, які набудуть чинності з 2023 року PAYE –податок на прибуток працівника Якщо ви працюєте по найму, роботодавець віднімає податок на прибуток із вашої зарплати та сплачує його державі, ця система називається Pay As You Earn або PAYE. Дуже важливо: коли ви влаштувалися на роботу в Ірландії […]
Read MoreБюджетная комиссия Дали (Парламента Ирландии) одобрила раздел Финансового закона, предусматривающего налогообложение пандемического пособия PUP, сообщает The Journal #PUP Ранее, Министр финансов Паскаль Донохью подтвердил, что никакой налоговой амнистии на доходы, полученные в виде пособия Pandemic Unemployment Payment и субсидий Temporary Wage Subsidy Scheme (TWSS) не будет, однако выплата будет отсрочена до 2022 года. Споры вокруг […]
Read MoreВице-премьер правительства Ирландии, по совместительству, министр предпринимательства, начал серию консультаций об изменении правил выплаты больничных листов. Сейчас, выплаты на время болезни работника делает государство. Социальные пособия по болезни Лео Варадкар, считает такое положение дел не правильным, аргументируя тем, что большинство стран Евросоюза, возлагают ответственность за болезнь работника на работодателя. С этой целью с 18 декабря, […]
Read MoreOn 23 July last, the Government announced the Employment Wage Subsidy Scheme (EWSS). This provides economy-wide enterprise support to give a flat-rate subsidy to eligible employers on the basis of the numbers of paid and eligible employees on the employer’s payroll. The EWSS replaces the Temporary Wage Subsidy Scheme (TWSS) for pay dates on or […]
Read MoreThe Government announced its July Stimulus package yesterday evening. While there are positive aspects to the announcement, we believe that there is more (including non-financial measures) required to maintain city centre businesses in situ. We attach our press release in response to the package. The measures included in the package include: · The TWSS will be extended […]
Read MoreAs part of the Government’s response to the national emergency that is the COVID-19 outbreak, the Government is asking employers, if at all possible, to continue to pay workers during this period – at least at the jobseeker rate of €203 per week. Minister for Employment Affairs and Social Protection Regina Doherty emphasised: “Where employers, […]
Read MoreFollowing the Government decision to introduce measures to delay the spread of the Coronavirus (Covid-19) the Road Safety Authority (RSA) sought and has received advice from the public health authorities who are managing this public health crisis. Based on that advice we are suspending all driving tests following the conclusion of the last test today […]
Read More“Le Pastis” is a remarkable newly opened French bistro in the heart of Blackrock village in the South of Dublin whose namesake is the French “Pastis” anise aperitif, that traditionally breaks the ice between dining guests and brings them closer together. Le Pastis specialises in modern European cuisine complemented by contemporary French dishes, prepared using […]
Read MoreYour latest project is a hotel chain, which connects four cities – Vienna, Karlovy Vary, St. Petersburg and Dublin. How do you plan to expand it? What other cities will enter the network? Following the example of the Morrison hotel in Dublin, will the Hilton hotel franchise be utilised or will your own hotel brand […]
Read MoreThe European Union (Anti-Money Laundering: Beneficial Ownership of Corporate Entities) Regulations 2019 (SI 110 of 2019) (“the Regulations”) were signed into law in March 2019. Under the Regulations, the company is obliged: to obtain and hold details of its beneficial owners in an internal register (this legal requirement was introduced in November 2016 by SI […]
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