Северная Ирландия

Боевики ИРА опровергли факт своего существования


Секретная служба Ее Величества королевы Великобритании, опубликовала отчет о деятельности незаконных вооруженных формирований в Северной Ирландии.  В отчете указано, что, несмотря на достигнутые договорённости, боевые отряды Ирландской Республиканской Армии продолжают успешно функционировать и перевооружаются.  Более того террористы, контролируют деятельность политической партии Шин Фейн, представители которой заседают в парламентах Ирландии и Великобритании. И вот боевики ИРА […]

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Further findings from the RTÉ TG4 Exit Poll suggest there is significant support among Irish voters for a united Ireland


65% of voters polled have indicated they would vote in favour of a United Ireland if a referendum was held tomorrow. 19% would vote against the proposal, while 15% of respondents to the poll said they did not know or refused to answer the question. Excluding undecided and non-voters, the findings suggest that 77% are […]

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Number of Irish passport applications rises to record level


MORE THAN 230,000 applications for Irish passports have been made to date in 2019. This marks a 30% increase compared to the same period last year.There were more than 860,000 Irish passports issued in 2018 – the highest number ever issued in one year. The Passport Office said there are a number of reasons for […]

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Majority of Irish people would like to see a united Ireland in their lifetime


THE MAJORITY OF Irish people would like to see a united Ireland in their lifetime, a new poll has shown. Last night’s poll for Claire Byrne Live on RTÉ 1, which was carried out by Amárach Research, revealed that 63% of people want to see a united Ireland before they die. Just 18% of people […]

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Derry ‘car bomb’: Police warning as vehicle up in flames near courthouse


Northern Irish politicians have condemned the blast outside a courthouse, with one MLA calling it a “disgraceful act of terrorism A car bomb exploded outside a courthouse in Derry forcing police to evacuate locals. Pictures from the scene show a vehicle on flames on Bishop Street following the blast which occurred at 8.15pm on Saturday […]

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Brexit agreement: highlights from EU, UK deal on future relationship


Britain and the European Union have agreed in principle on a text setting out their future relationship. The deal is pending endorsement by the bloc’s leaders at a summit on Sunday. Here are some key elements of the 26-page draft text. It is part of a package alongside the 500-page legal treaty, known as the […]

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All set for September Sambo


All set for September SamboPreparations are at an advanced stage as Northern Ireland gets set to host the international Sambo martial arts tournament in late September. Seventy-two athletes from ten countries will touch down for the one-day NI President’s Cup Tournament which will be held in the Seven Towers Leisure Centre, Ballymena, on Saturday, 29th […]

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Культурно-Образовательный Центр (КОЦ) “Жар-Птица” Северная Ирландия


Наш центр является некоммерческим проектом Русскоязычного Общества Северной Ирландии (РОСИ), и в этом учебном году он отметит свое трехлетие.

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На чемпионате мира по хоккею в Белфасте литовцы завоевали бронзу


В столице Северной Ирландии, завершился финал группы Б, Первого дивизиона.

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Хор «Росинка» принял участие в мультикультурном проекте


В среду 29ого марта в Белфасте в театре Lyric состоялся концерт-презентация уникального проекта организации Artsekta «Connections Roots».

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